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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


How Long Does a Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit Take?

By Kohn Law |

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in six older adults experience some type of abuse while staying in a nursing home facility. In the same report, the WHO also found that two out of three workers in nursing homes and long-term care facilities admitted to abusing patients within the past few years…. Read More »

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How to Look Up Nursing Home Violations in Florida

By Kohn Law |

Making the decision to admit your loved one into a nursing home is an incredibly difficult one, particularly when there are so many headlines about nursing home abuse. However, if your loved one requires care that you cannot provide, you may not have a choice. There are steps you can take to ensure that… Read More »

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What Laws Impact Nursing Home Abuse Cases in Florida?

By Kohn Law |

The nursing home laws in Florida are meant to provide facilities with standards of treatment to ensure the basic rights of residents are upheld. The laws also help ensure the health, safety, and comfort of nursing home residents. If your loved one is in a nursing home and you believe their rights are not… Read More »

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Common Issues in Nursing Homes to Watch For

By Kohn Law |

Making the decision to place a loved one into a nursing home is extremely difficult. Unfortunately, seniors often require round-the-clock care that family members are unable to provide. It is impossible to know for sure if your loved one will suffer from nursing home abuse when you admit them into a long-term care facility…. Read More »

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What Misdiagnoses are Common in Nursing Homes?

By Kohn Law |

According to the National Library of Medicine, approximately 1 in 20 adult patients will receive a misdiagnosis at some point in their lives. While anyone can suffer harm due to a misdiagnosis, these medical mistakes are particularly dangerous for elderly nursing home residents. Nursing home residents depend on the medical professionals and staff members… Read More »

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Understanding Emotional Abuse in Nursing Homes

By Kohn Law |

Of all the many different types of abuse that occurs in nursing homes, emotional abuse is perhaps the most common. While emotional abuse does not leave the same physical marks and scars as other types of abuse, it does just as much damage. Nursing home residents may not understand that this type of abuse… Read More »

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Common Mistakes when Filing a Nursing Home Abuse Claim, and How to Avoid Them

By Kohn Law |

If your loved one has suffered abuse while in a nursing home, financial compensation cannot undo their injuries, including their emotional trauma. However, the compensation obtained from a lawsuit can help pay for your loved one’s medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. To obtain the full and fair compensation your loved one needs,… Read More »

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What are the Different Types of Nursing Home Neglect?

By Kohn Law |

Sadly, nursing home neglect is more common than many people think. However, it is not always easy to identify. If your loved one has made complaints, or you have observed behavior you are not sure is fair or legal, you may be wondering if it constitutes negligence. Below, our Tampa nursing home neglect attorney… Read More »

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How Can Nursing Homes Prevent Choking?

By Kohn Law |

For nursing home residents, swallowing food is often very difficult. It is critical that nursing home staff members supervise at meal time and monitor the food intake of the residents. When staff members do not understand when a resident is susceptible to choking, or they do not enforce diet restrictions, residents can choke. In… Read More »

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What Safety Issues are Common in Nursing Homes?

By Kohn Law |

While no one wants to think about it, safety issues are far more common in nursing homes than many people think. Thousands of safety issues and concerns in these facilities are reported every year. If you think your loved one has been injured due to a safety issue in their nursing home, you may… Read More »

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