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Benefits Of Settling Your Nursing Home Abuse Claim Out Of Court


If you or a loved one has suffered from nursing home abuse, you may know that you can file a lawsuit against them to recover compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. People are sometimes hesitant to file these lawsuits because they envision a lengthy courtroom ordeal.

Fortunately, the vast majority of nursing home abuse cases do not go to court. Instead, they usually end in a settlement between victims and the insurance companies. Accepting a fair settlement is often more favorable than going to court. Below, our Tampa nursing home abuse attorney explains further.

Obtaining Full Compensatory Damages

When settling out of court, you can claim full compensatory damages for all of your losses. A lawyer can accurately value your economic and non-economic damages and hold the insurance company accountable for paying all of them. Although you may receive the full amount of damages you are entitled to when going to trial, there is no guarantee that a jury will decide in your favor.

Obtain Compensation Faster

Obtaining a fair settlement from the insurance company can take many months. While this may sound like a long time, it is generally much shorter than going to trial. When taking your case to court, you will be subject to the court’s schedule, and the actual trial process can take a long time. If your case goes to trial, it could take one to two years and your family will not receive any compensation until the trial is over.

Maintain Confidentiality

Everything said in open court becomes a matter of public record. This means that anyone can look up the details of the abuse, which can cause embarrassment for victims. No one wants to have the details of their personal life on record for all to see. Additionally, not everyone is comfortable with having other people know the full amount of damages they were awarded. When you settle out of court, the details of the settlement – including the original incident and the amount of compensation awarded – are kept confidential and do not become public record.

Save Money

Going to trial is the most expensive way to settle any legal dispute. You will have to pay court costs and fees, and attorneys often charge more when they have to go to trial. Again, trials also take longer than accepting a settlement and the more time spent on a case, the more costly it will be. By accepting a settlement, you can save yourself the expense of taking the case to court.

Our Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Tampa Can Advise On Your Case

Settling your nursing home abuse case out of court has many benefits, but there are times when going to trial is necessary. At Kohn Law, our Tampa nursing home abuse attorney can provide the legal advice you need and advise on which legal route is best for your case. Call us now at 813-428-8504 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.



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