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COVID-19 Nursing Home Neglect


Nursing home patients across the nation are falling victim to COVID-19. In addition to the virus itself, many patients are suffering from neglect and a low standard of care due to being in lock down, the stress that staff and nurses are under, and other ramifications caused by the global pandemic. While nursing homes are certainly up against the odds, the coronavirus crisis is no excuse for nursing home neglect and abuse. If your loved one is suffering from neglect, or died as a result of neglect, an experienced Tampa nursing home neglect and abuse attorney can help.

Why Nursing Homes Are a Hotspot for Coronavirus

The coronavirus affects the elderly and those with underlying health conditions most severely, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. This has been known for many months, as these findings were discovered before the coronavirus made it to the United States. And, yet, many nursing homes failed to act in time to prevent outbreaks from occurring. As such, coupled with a vulnerable population and failure to implement disease control, nursing homes have been being hit the hardest in the U.S. and here in Florida, where thousands of seniors have been diagnosed with coronavirus, and many have died from it. Many nursing homes are still not taking enough action to prevent the virus from spreading. Much of that is due to understaffing and under monitoring of patients, according to a federal report and CNN.

Acts of COVID-19 Negligence

When a death, injury, or illness occurs as a result of negligence, a nursing home can be held liable for civil damages. Examples of negligence might include the following:

  • Failure to lockdown the facility;
  • Allowing visitors or volunteers into the facility;
  • Keeping too many residents in the same room;
  • Failure to remove a patient that contracts COVID-19;
  • Failure to test patients for COVID-19;
  • Not keeping sanitary or hygienic conditions for patients;
  • Not monitoring sick or injured patients properly;
  • Not removing a patient in time to the hospital who needs emergency medical care;
  • Failure to screen and test staff;
  • Failure to have enough nurses, doctors, and medical supplies;
  • Not providing hand sanitizer and masks; and
  • More.

Whether the nursing home tells you that they did everything that they could, or that they are sorry but the extenuating circumstances of COVID-19 are simply out of their control, you still have the right to speak to an attorney and file a wrongful death lawsuit or personal injury lawsuit for nursing home neglect. An attorney can ensure that the liable party is held responsible, and that your loved one’s injury or death does not go unnoticed by the nursing home.

Call an Experienced Tampa Nursing Home Neglect Attorney Today

Too many seniors have passed away in nursing homes in the last few months. But the coronavirus is no excuse for negligence on the behalf of nursing homes that are paid a large amount to provide a high quality of care. If your loved one becomes ill or injured, or lost their life due to negligence, a Tampa nursing home neglect attorney at Kohn Law can help you seek justice. Call us at 813-428-8504 to schedule a free consultation today.




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