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Do You Need a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?


When you take your family member to a nursing home, you expect the staff members to provide them with the highest quality of care. Sadly, nursing home abuse is very common in Florida, and throughout the entire country. The most common types of harm in long-term facilities are emotional abuse, physical abuse, and financial exploitation.

If your loved one has suffered injuries due to abuse, you can hold the offending party accountable for paying compensation. Although financial compensation cannot undo the harm your family member suffered, it can help recover their medical expenses and more. When filing a claim, many people wonder if they should work with an attorney. While this is not required, having legal representation has many benefits.

Experience Matters 

Most people who need to file a nursing home abuse claim have never been through the process before. A lawyer who specializes in nursing home abuse cases deals with the laws and procedural rules governing these claims every day. Nursing home abuse lawyers have extensive experience and resources, such as a network of experts who can provide testimony to support your claim. A lawyer will also know the strategies that will give you the best chance of a positive outcome with your claim.

Better Chance of Receiving Fair Compensation 

There are a number of ways a nursing home abuse lawyer can help you recover fair compensation. First, they will accurately value your claim and carefully calculate damages for your loved one’s current and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, permanent disability, and more. Your lawyer will then effectively negotiate with the other side’s insurance company or legal team. Many people do not have negotiation experience but this is something else nursing home abuse attorneys do regularly.

Successfully Prove Your Case 

As with any other type of personal injury case, you must prove your case when filing a nursing home abuse claim. A lawyer can advise on the evidence that will help prove your case and help you obtain it. Some of the most common types of evidence used in these cases include:

  • Documentation of signs of abuse such as bruises, behavioral issues, or a sudden change in the resident’s financial situation,
  • Medical records indicating the type, nature, and severity of injuries,
  • Witness statements, and
  • Records of previous violations and complaints.

As you care for your loved one, which may include arranging new accommodations, your lawyer can speak with their physicians to obtain medical records and locate witnesses who can testify about the abuse. Other residents may be able to provide testimony, which can be critical in a nursing home abuse case.

Our Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Tampa Can Help Your Family 

In addition to the above benefits, a Tampa nursing home abuse attorney will also relieve a lot of stress for you and your family by handling the legal aspects of your case. At Kohn Law, our seasoned attorney will accurately value your loved one’s claim so they receive the full compensation available. Call us today at 813-428-8504 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to get more the legal advice you need.



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