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Tampa Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys > Naples Nursing Home Neglect Attorney

Naples Nursing Home Neglect Attorney

A lack of food. Isolation from friends. Not getting medication in a timely manner. Residents are not bathed regularly.

These are all signs of nursing home neglect. Unfortunately, seniors in nursing homes face a high risk of neglect. If the neglect happens regularly, it can turn into a serious situation.

But you may not know for sure if your loved one has suffered neglect in a nursing home. That’s why seeking legal help is your best bet. Kohn Law can address your questions and concerns. Contact a Naples nursing home neglect attorney today to understand your legal options.

What is Nursing Home Neglect?

Nursing home neglect and abuse are often lumped together, but are they the same? The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is one organization that considers neglect to be a form of nursing home abuse. Nursing home neglect is defined as either passive neglect or willful deprivation. Passive neglect is defined as refusing an older adult life’s necessities, including, but not limited to, food, clothing, shelter, or medical care. Willful deprivation is defined as denying someone food, shelter, medication, medical care, or other physical assistance, and the person suffers physical, mental, or emotional harm as a result.

Warning Signs of Neglect

Do you think your loved one is suffering neglect in a nursing home? Here are some signs to look for:

  • Loss of mobility. Good nursing homes keep residents physically active through various programs and policies. Neglectful nursing homes, on the other hand, will often leave residents sitting in the same position for long periods of time, resulting in mobility issues.
  • Poor hygiene. Nursing homes without enough staff members may not keep residents clean and healthy. They may not bathe or get their teeth brushed often.
  • Inadequate nutrition. In a neglectful nursing home, the resident may not get enough food or water and suffer from malnutrition and dehydration. Fatigue, complaints of being cold, thin skin, and hair loss are signs to look for.
  • Psychological issues. Neglect may lead to anger, resentment, and a fear of caregivers, as well as anxiety or depression.

Nursing Home Neglect Statute of Limitations

Each state has its own laws regarding statute of limitations. This refers to the deadlines a personal injury victim has to file a claim for compensation. In Florida, nursing home neglect lawsuits must be filed within two years from the date of the incident. This may also be two years from when the incident was discovered or should have been discovered.

Other personal injury claims in the state have a time limit of four years or longer, so don’t get confused and wait too long. Once you go past the two-year deadline, your claim will be barred under Florida law, which means you won’t be able to receive compensation.

Contact Kohn Law Today

Neglect is not as violent as abuse, but it can still come with dangerous consequences. Serious and even fatal injuries can still occur.

Don’t delay—seek legal help from Kohn Law right away. Contact a Naples nursing home neglect attorney. To schedule a consultation, fill out the online form or call (813) 428-8504.

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