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Understanding Substance Abuse In Nursing Homes


Substance abuse is a very common problem in nursing homes across the country. Both older and younger residents can suffer from substance abuse, and nursing home employees can also struggle with addiction issues. Any time someone in a nursing home struggles with substance abuse, it can negatively impact the other residents that also live in the facility. Below, our Tampa nursing home abuse attorney explains more about this problem, and how you can keep your loved one safe.

Substance Abuse Among Seniors in Nursing Homes

Substance abuse poses a risk regardless of a person’s age. However, it is particularly dangerous when a senior abuses alcohol or drugs. Many seniors in long-term care facilities use painkillers, sleeping pills, or antidepressants to treat other health problems they suffer from. When nursing home staff members do not properly monitor residents, seniors may take medications that interact with each other negatively, which can lead to injury and even death.

Not only must nursing home staff members monitor residents properly to ensure they do not mix certain medications, but they must also supervise them and watch for signs of substance abuse. Any time a staff member suspects a resident is abusing substances, they should get them proper treatment for it.

Substance Abuse Among Younger Residents in Nursing Homes

Nursing home facilities sometimes admit younger people who are incapacitated or who are already suffering from substance abuse. These patients are at a higher risk of relapsing. To prevent this from happening, staff members within the facility must monitor these residents closely. Unfortunately, that does not always occur. A relapse also puts a resident at risk of suffering further injury and in extreme cases, a person may pass away after overdosing on substances.

Substance Abuse Among Nursing Home Employees

Caring for residents within a nursing home is a very stressful job. The stress may cause some nursing home employees to start abusing alcohol or drugs. While staff members in nursing homes are often overworked, due to a shortage of employees, this is never an excuse for abusing or neglecting patients within the facility. When a nursing home employee is suffering from a substance abuse problem, they may not have the capacity to properly care for the residents in their care.

Although nursing home staff members can be held accountable if they suffer from a substance abuse problem that causes residents harm, the nursing home can be liable, as well. Nursing homes must perform thorough background checks on potential staff members. When they fail to do this and they hire someone who suffers from substance abuse, the nursing home owner or administrator can be responsible for paying financial compensation.

Our Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Tampa Can Help Your Family

Whether your loved one suffers from substance abuse, or they have been harmed by another resident or staff member who is struggling with one, you need sound legal advice. At Kohn Law, our Tampa nursing home abuse attorney can provide it and help you obtain the full and fair compensation your loved one needs to cover the cost of their injuries. Call us now at 813-428-8504 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.



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